Smart About Money

Imagine buying a house without asking the price. That’s essentially what you’re doing if you take out a loan or rack up credit card bills without fully understanding what you’ll actually pay to pay off that debt....

You’re driving down the highway when smoke starts billowing from under the hood. Do you keep going, hoping the engine fire will magically put itself out? Of course not. You pull over and face the reality of your situation....

According to the College Board,15 years from now (that’s 2033!), a private four-year college degree will cost $323,900. Gulp. Some families have been saving in 529 accounts that can be used for qualified educational expenses like higher education tuition, room and board, books, and computers....

Building a “smart money” pattern for our kids starts when they are young. According to a Cambridge University study, most children’s money habits are formed by age 7. So, from the earliest time that they have money of their own, whether from a weekly allowance,...