It’s about your future

Ever wondered how much you should be saving now to be secure later? All that unknown can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Our team takes a kitchen table approach to financial planning – not just because our conference table is actually a kitchen table from IKEA. Our approach starts with a conversation and it never gets more complicated than that. So pull up a chair and let’s get started.

What Questions should you ask when you’re choosing a CCRC?

One of the biggest changes you’ll make in retirement is leaving your home for a retirement community. There’s so much that goes into a move like that emotionally and it can be hard to make a clear decision. Traci Richmond, JD, CDFA™, RICP® shares some important things to consider when you or your parents are looking at CCRCs.

How we do it

The first thing we need to do is get to know you so we can understand your dreams and what you are afraid of when it comes to money. Once we know you, we can help build a plan that is customized just for you.

From a 401(k) to a 529 plan, there are a lot of bases to cover. That’s why we’re here to help. Screen out the excess noise and focus on what’s important to you.

The future belongs to you. Get planning so you can start living.

A good financial plan helps prepare you for anything life throws your way.

Meet the team

Our job is to help you achieve your goals. To that end, our team is dedicated to supporting you all the way through your financial planning journey. We want to get to know you and invite you to get to know us better too!

Meet our Founder

Having money gives you choices

Helping you define your goals and get there is why we’re in business. And once you’ve arrived, we always want to hear about it. That’s why we ask our clients to send in photos as they accomplish life’s goals. It might be a dream vacation, a grandchild, or sending a child off to college. Watching you get there is what motivates us to work hard for you.

Smart about money

Good decision making around money isn’t something you just learn in a class. It is more akin to learning a sport than learning geometry. Financial literacy takes a lot of practice and repetition. We have some easy ideas about where to start.

When you are ready to get started, we are ready to help.

Jeff Saut and Scott Brown give insight into what’s happening this week.

Our spin on what you need to know. Watch videos, read blogs, find links.

Financial empowerment for students in a package that really rocks.