Author: Kalli Fedusenko

If you watched our previous video on picking the right CCRC, you know there’s a lot to think about when making a decision. But finding the perfect fit for yourself or your parents isn’t as simple as trying on a new pair of shoes....

Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to swipe a card or click “purchase” than it is to part with your hard-earned cash? Digital payment options come in handy until you’re trying to rein in your spending habits. Luckily, we’ve got a few...

Sometimes life has different plans for us than we intended. That’s where a goal plan comes into play. Should you wait to buy a new car when your current car is having problems because you’ll spend less or should you buy a new car now?...

How do you know if you’re on track to reach your financial goals if you don’t have a clear view of them? It can be hard to zoom out enough to create your goal plan, but it’s vitally important because every decision you make now...

You’ve been generous this year. You gave money to your favorite charities when they needed it most. Unfortunately, not all contributions are tax deductible. According to new tax laws, charitable contributions have to make up a large portion of your income to be deducted, but...